One thing I have learned over the course of this semester is that it is very difficult to plan activities that truly are YAPs. It is even harder to find groups that center their entire philosophy around partnerships. However, this seems to be an example of two groups combining to create a very unique opportunity for students.
The Texas Association of Partners in Education (
TAPE) and
American Youth Works joined forces to put on a dinner for local business leaders. As written on their website,TAPE connects volunteers and business leaders to local schools to enhance student success. American Youth Works is an organization that provides high school and professional training to a largely minority and low-income student base. It just so happens that one of their professional schools is a culinary schools; this is where their partnership gets interesting.
This dinner was organized, planned, and executed by students in the culinary schools. These students provided local business leaders with a four-course meal. This allowed the adults to experience the talents and gifts of youth and connect with them in conversation. Who knows? Maybe the next time one of them needs a catering service, they will look to the AYW.
For more information, see
this post bythe Search Institute.